While Easter baskets may be an integral part of a family Easter celebration, many folks find it difficult to decide that to put inside an Easter basket.  Whether you will eventually have your Easter baskets personalized, the contents can also have a personal flair.

Chocoloate-Easter-BunnyOf course, there are the basics for any basket.  What would a basket be without candy of some sort? But one doesn’t need to make this a dentist-defying sugar fest. One small


If you do not have an Easter egg hunt as part of your family tradition (or in fact, even if you do) it can be fun to hide small presents inside plastic Easter eggs. Maybe consider small temporary tattoo books or small Matchbox cars.

For larger gift items to fill a basket, you need to keep in mind age appropriate fillers.  For smaller children, consider coloring books or crayons.  The coloring book can be an Easter theme or any other theme (with many children Superheroes and Princesses never go out of season).


For teenagers, the options are more challenging.  Hopefully they will still appreciate the tradition even if the idea of a large white bunny coming into the house overnight to deliver the baskets is a long outdated belief.

$5-DVD-BinSome ideas for this age group would be an inexpensive CD or DVD.  Many stores like a Walgrens or CVS have bargain bins of these items.  Often major electronic stores or even bookstores will also have these bins.  And on can pick up an older album or television show or movie for under $5.


One good tip is to keep your eye out for these deals all the year round. Save them for Easter baskets or to use as stocking stuffers at Christmas.  Place a box in the back of your closet where your children aren’t likely to discover and as the year unfolds and you find these deals, store them in the box until the holiday rolls around.

Dora-Easter-BasketThere are many craft makers that offer not only a personalized Easter basket in your child’s name, but also the basket itself can be crafted into a hobby or interest of your child.  Princess themes, or car themes are available as well as baskets based on a favorite movie or television camera.  Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob are perennial favorites.

Don’t worry about any gift you find being “non-traditional” Easter gifts, as long as you place them in a basket with colorful grass and plastic eggs, perched up next to the chocolate bunny, they will do just fine in celebrating the season.